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Pedagojik Sosyoloji ve Psikoloji Dergisi
Dear Colleagues,
It’s our pleasure to announce International Congress of Pedagogical Research (ICOPR) which will be held on May 15-16, 2021 with the hostage of Universiti Utara Malaysia.
COVID-19 pandemic provided educators and educational institutions to evaluate new approaches and challenges for education. In this sense, it is anticipated that the difficulties and alternative implications experienced will shape the next applications for a possible remote teaching. Therefore, the main theme of the congress is “COVID-19 & Education”.
Since the effects of the pandemic have not disappeared yet, congress will be held online as a Virtual Congress. Researchers are welcome to present their papers synchronously in the rooms to be defined via Zoom.
For the papers reviewed by the scientific board, three options will be offered to researchers according to the qualities of the studies: 1) Publishing their papers as an article in one of the sponsored journals, 2) Publishing them as a book chapter, and 3) Publishing in the proceeding book.
For further information, please visit .
ICOPR Congress Organizing Committee